Skagit Valley Beekeepers Association

Newsletter for December 2022 

Holiday Meeting Coming Up
Thursday December 8 

It's our annual holiday celebration and refreshment potluck!

Our meeting this month is on  Thursday, December 8th, at 7 PM at the Burlington Public Library. It is going to be an informal affair, our annual holiday get-together. Bring snacks and items to share. We hope that lots of folks will bring seasonal cookies, so that we can trade them around and take some home - adding variety to our holiday stashes. Extra points awarded if you use honey in the recipe...

The Scoop on the 2022 Honey Harvest
It was an OK Year
The results of our informal member poll indicates that the 2022 harvest was, at least for those that responded, about the same as for the previous year.

That's good news in view of the late, wet, cold spring. It also suggests that the weather was good enough for an extended blackberry bloom, which is a mainstay of our local harvest.

Even better luck to us all next year.
We'll keep an eye out for the national and state information and see how the rest of beekeeping world fared in 2022. The national statistics are published in March every year. According to the last report issued by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), 2021 was a bad year for production (down 14 percent), but correspondingly a good year for prices (up 21 percent) as producers dug into their stocks to supply the markets. Looking at current price reports, it seems that 2022 retail prices are continuing to rise, running to about $9.00 for a one pound jar in the Western states.

Leadership News
With our president Brad Raspet stepping down at the end of the year, the SVBA will rely on a committee-led approach for a spell.

In the meantime, Les Scott has stepped up to take on the roles as Web Page Administrator and Meeting Location and Reservation Coordinator.

Steve Cecil will take on the role of Zoom Meeting Coordinator, so that we can continue to provide an at-home attendance option for our meetings.

December Beekeeping Tip
From Bee Culture Magazine for us Northwesterners
Bee Culture magazine is a fascinating monthly magazine geared to everybody from hobbyists and commercial beekeepers, and from research biologists to agricultural educators.

They provide regional advice each month, and you might be interested to know their big tip for December for our area:

"If you are a good are done"

But realistically, they also note that you should check to see if supplemental feeding is needed, and consider an application oxalic acid to keep those mites on the run.

Trading Post
Les's Bees has a full line of beekeeping woodenware and supplies in Bellingham - SVBA member Les Scott has gone into business providing a wide range of beekeeping supplies. We featured Les and his operation in the September newsletter. Check out at or contact Les Scott directly by e-mail, call, or text:  360-303-0396.

If you have supplies and equipment that you may be interested in swapping, selling, or just plain giving to other interested members of the SVBA, send a brief description, price, and contact information to your editor,

SVBA Membership
It's Annual Renewal Time
It's time for the New Year, which is the kick-off for your 2023 SVBA membership. You can mark the holiday by sending in your annual renewal fee of just $12.00. For those who wish to join, take the timely opportunity to sign up and send in your membership dues - a tremendous deal for the many programs, events, education, advice and connections that we offer. The form and instructions are found at:
Brad Raspet, President

Dawn Beck, Vice President
Rob Johnson, Treasurer
Susan DeLawter, Secretary

Steve Cecil, Newsletter

Alvin Forar, Board

Heather Oates, Board
Seth Smith, Board

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Skagit Valley Beekeepers · 2926 Schattig Ln · Oak Harbor, WA 98277 · USA

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