If you
haven't yet already, you should add a second deep box to your single
box. This allows you bee colony more room to grow, and to prevent
swarming. If you have new foundation you'd like to use, put them second
from on each sides of the outside frames. This will give the bees
something to do as well as make a new wax frame to use.
Last year I had a problem with adding new foundation to beehives. I had a
excess amount of foundation I had to add and my bees were growing
rapidly. I tried my best to incorporate new foundation in the with drawn
comb frames. If its a rapid growing colony, you could put a full box of
foundation on and they will draw it all out, but no promises!
Sometimes, they won't even touch the foundation. Scattering them
throughout the edges if the hive works the best. Melting some beeswax on
the foundation, I've learned, helps get the bees motivated to pull out
wax for comb.
Be cautious about buying used frames with drawn comb. Unless you know
the beekeeper, used comb could have diseases that would bring down
colonies like foul brood.