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Skagit Valley Beekeepers Association - 2023 Officers & Contacts
Brett DeLawter President 818-416-2208 Contact
Dawn Beck Vice President 206-719-3666 Contact
Domie Bourgeois Treasurer Contact
Brenda Crossley Secretary Contact
Heather Oates  Board Member Contact
Don Johnson  Board Member TBA Contact
Chris Zimmerman  Board Member TBA Contact
James Kohl  Board Member TBA Contact
Seth Smith Board Member 360-770-0481 Contact
Bill Markus Instructor Coordinator 360-661-0452 Contact
Matt & Nikki Jones Equipment Coordinators 619-757-5188 Contact
 Steven Cecil Newsletter Editor  617-719-7870 Contact
Domie Bourgeois Website Admin   Contact

Some Interesting & Educational Links
Skagit Valley Beekeepers on Facebook Washington State Beekeeping Assoc. Western Apicultural Society
Rusty Burlew, Bee Suite Blog Randy Oliver, Scientific Beekeeping 25,000 Bees Coaxed Into New Home
WSU Researchers Bee Semen Bank COLOSS Honey Bee Research Beekeeping Like A Girl
PNW Reduce Bee Poisoning WSU The Honeybee Waggle Dance Video Care With Pesticides - OSU
 Campbell's Gold Honey Farm   Adventures in Bee Land's Blog   UC Davis - Honey Bee Research
Cam's Find - All About Bees BetterBee's Frame Isolation Cage
Carissa's Find - Rich Bee/Flower Resource Brad Raspet's Beekeeping Calendar Small Hive Beetle Survey
* SVBA Honey Judge Manual - 2023 * A Bee Candy Recipe Bee Disease - USDA Beltsville
Mann Lake Ltd (USA) Dadant and Sons (USA) Beeline Apiaries (Rochester, WA)
Les's Bees  (Bellingham, WA) Country Store (Mount Vernon, WA) Snohomish Bee Co. (Snohomish, WA)
Glory Bee (USA) Western Bee Supplies (Polson, MT) Miller Bee Supply (USA)
Questions or Corrections? Contact our Web Page Administrator