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SVBA Honey Bee Swarm Capture Contact List:
Phone Email Swarm Retrieval Area
Bill Markus 360-661-0452 billmarkus52@gmail.com Sedro-Woolley, Burlington Area
Alerd Johnson 360-421-7953 alerdjohnson@hotmail.com Anacortes & Mount Vernon
 Brad Raspet  360-708-9424   brad.raspet@gmail.com Mount Vernon, Burlington, Sedro-Woolley Area
Rob Johnson 360-770-6170 rsjohnson2u@yahoo.com Anacortes-Fidalgo Island, Burlington
 Steve Winchell  425-501-9701  winchell@wavecable.com No. Snohomish, So. Skagit, Camano Island
Bill Redding 360-391-4659 reddbill@gmail.com Western Skagit County
Dawn Beck 206-719-3666 dawnrunner@live.com Skagit County
Stephen LeBlanc 360-202-2266 newbeekeeper32@yahoo.com Any Skagit & So. Whatcom (highway 9 north and west)
Mark Dye 360-202-4803 mark_dye@frontier.com Skagit County
Holly Bunnell 425-308-1948 hlbunnell@gmail.com Arlington, Darrington, Stanwood North to Conway
Jerry Hopen 360-320-1374 jhopen7@hotmail.com Whidbey Island & Skagit County
 Bob Jorgenson  360-961-9877 jorgensonrobert@me.com Bellingham/Lake Samish/Bow
Les Scott 360-303-0396 les@leszbees.com Whatcom County or Any Unanswered Calls
Andrea Nipges 360-815-2337 andreanipges@yahoo.com Mt Vernon, Skagit Valley, Stanwood Areas

Please note, if you have a honey bee swarm on your property:
Honey bee swarm behavior is a natural means of reproduction for honey bees - swarms looking for a new home are usually fairly gentle since they have no brood or honey to protect. Swarms occur most often in the spring and early summer. Prior to swarming, the bees will gorge on honey to fuel their flight, then the queen and a little more than one half of the honey bees will take flight in search of a new home. The bee swarm may take up temporary residence on anything nearby - a bush, a tree branch, a fence, etc. The swarm will stay put for a short period of time while the scout bees search for a cavity that be good for their new home. Honey bee swarms may sometimes find it difficult to find a new home, but our Skagit Valley Beekeepers are always happy to capture a honey bee swarm and provide a good home for them. Thank you for calling...